Daily Inspiration – Quote by Winston Churchill
Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill
When I first reflected on this quote of the day, I immediately thought about my business aspirations and how this quote is so important to the business entrepreneur. Whether it’s a failed business concept or a difficult learning curve, we’ve all faced this type of failure in our professional lives.
This is also highly relevant in our personal lives. I’ve failed in relationships, haven’t always been the perfect mom, have made some pretty bad decisions, and have been known to throw away a few dinners after trying a new recipe. My list is endless!
Failure to Failure…
Yes, and I’ll admit… At times, some of these failures seemed overwhelming and I was tempted to give up. Many times, I did. It wasn’t until recently that I learned that failure is GOOD! How else can we grow, both personally and professionally, without these failures and the precious lessons we learn from them? Once I realized the value of failure, I became motivated to do something about it, other than fail.
Let’s face it, we don’t like failure. If we allow it, failure has the power to steal our dreams and inspirations and will grab a hold of our motivation. Failure is a state of mind and does not define us! What happens if we learn to embrace failure and be enthusiastic about it? The answer is rather simple… Success!
Chances are, someone is reading this post and can’t see beyond their failure. Please help by sharing your failure-to-success story with them!
Please continue to visit Remember Me for your Daily Inspiration.
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Thanks, Deb. As a business owner…I needed your Daily Inspiration today and everyday!