About Us
Introducing Handmade by Remember Me
It looks as though I’ve been away from Remember Me Gift Boutique’s blog for years! I feel as though I have neglected my baby, but I really haven’t – I just expanded to include a line of affordable, meaningful and some handmade (by me) remembrance jewelry, scripture jewelry (christian jewelry for women), cremation necklaces for ashes, and general memorial gift ideas. If I don’t have it, I can find it for you!
It is my desire to continue to offer personalized customer service. I still reply personally to all of my e-mails. When I can’t personally help my customers, my company has grown too big. I want to be known as an owner who cares and will do (almost) anything for her customers!
As far as the handmade remembrance jewelry, I sell on Etsy, Amazon Handmade (no longer as of 2020 due to my personal choice), and my newest website Handmade By Remember Me.
I have received over 1,400 5 -star reviews on these platforms. Last but not least, I try to stay active on my Facebook page in an effort to get to know my customers.
Here are a few links for your future gift giving needs:
Handmade By Remember Me on Etsy
New Handmade by Remember Me website.
… and, let’s not forget Facebook!
Warmest Regards,
Deb, Owner