
By Creating A Memorial Garden

Still Thinking About Planting a Pet Memorial Garden this Summer?

memorial garden stones pet memorial

Summer seems to be going by so fast.  With Fall just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to plan your Pet Memorial Garden.  I just love the idea of planning this garden together, with other members of the family, to aid in the healing process.  It can be as small as a single Pet Memorial Garden Stone, or more elaborate, with flowers, trees, and perhaps even a Memorial Wind Chime.

Things to consider when creating your Pet Memorial Garden are:

Location:  Obviously, that depends on the areas surrounding your house.  Is there a tree in your yard?  If so, that’s a beautiful place (as pictured above).  Maybe just adding a Memorial Garden Stone to an existing garden would work out just fine.  Or, if you want something more elaborate, find a larger area (preferably that you can see from your house) and plant a variety of plants and flowers.

Plants:  Shade, sun and temperature are important to consider.  Also, the time you would like to invest in the maintenance of this special garden should also be considered.  Do you want to plant annuals every year, or are you looking for a more carefree design?

What kind of flowers/plants should you plant?  If you would like to commemorate your pet’s birth date or date that your pet passed, here are a few ideas of flowers representing each month:

January – Carnation

February – Violet, Primrose

March – Daffodil, Violet

April – Daisy

May – Lily of the Valley

June – Rose

July – Larkspur, Water Lily, Sweet Pea

August – Gladiolus

September – Asper

October – Calendula, Dahlia

November – Chrysanthemum

December – Holly, Poinsettia

Pet Memorial Garden Stone:  There are so many Memorial Garden Stone ideas and many available both locally on online.  These stones can be personalized either with a plaque or by having it engraved.  If you happen to have your pet’s cremains, a beautiful Urn Pet Memorial Garden Stone would be perfect.  Another idea, many craft stores have kits that can help you create your very own Memorial Stone.  This is most specifically a great idea for any child who is dealing with the loss of their pet.

Lastly, and most importantly, keep your pet’s personality in mind.  This Pet Memorial Garden should reflect the memory of your precious pet.

Do you have a Memorial Garden you can share.  Please feel free to post pictures!

A Memorial Garden Brings Comfort

Spring is in the air, and this time each year, I think of those who are grieving and anticipating the hope that only Spring can bring!  I always encourage anyone who has lost a loved one, or a treasured pet, to consider creating a Memorial Garden in their backyard.  This is not only a great idea for just about anyone, but children can find so much peace having their own space to reflect on their memories.  Children also love coming up with ideas and actually participating in the process of planting a Memorial Garden.

Memorial Garden Stones come in many different shapes, sizes and price ranges.  They can be personalized with a name or sentiment.  These Memorial Garden Stones can be added to an existing garden or landscape creating a subtle sentiment.  Also, Memorial Garden Benches are becoming increasingly popular as they are incredibly functional and can be engraved with a personal sentiment.

Personalized Memorial Wind Chimes offer a beautiful sound along with an inscribed personal message.  As with the memorial stones, these can also be added to an existing garden or are well suited to hang on a front or back porch.  Memorial Wind Chimes are my personal favorite, as I’m hard pressed to come up with a more soothing memorial.

A Memorial Garden is not complete without beautiful flowers.  Below is a list of the different flowers and their meaning (those best suited for a memorial garden):

Aracia – eternal love

Aloe – grief

Anemone – resurrection

Aster – God’s grace, love, blessings

Balm – sympathy

Bellflower – “thinking of you”

Cypress – mourning, sorrow

Daffodil – resurrection

Forget-me-nots – memories

Fuchsia – harmony, healing for those who grieve, angels

Geranium – comfort

Honeysuckle – devoted affection, bonds of love

Impatiens – patience, steadfastness, loving-kindness

Jasmine – peace, goodwill, and healing

Lavender – devotionLily – faith, grace, and spiritual healing

Marigold – pain and grief

Peonies – thoughts of the past, memories

Poppies – eternal sleep, consolation

Tulips – faith, hope, and charity

Verbena – peace

Violets – shyness, humility, quiet joy, tender thoughts, gentle love

Rosemary – remembrance

Thyme – peace

White Lilac – youthful innocence, memories

I hope you found some inspiration to get started on your Memorial Garden this spring!

Warmest Regards,






Personalized Memorial Wind Chimes Offer Comfort in Times of Grief

Finding a Sympathy Gift for someone who has lost a loved one, or searching for the perfect Memorial Gift Idea for yourself, takes some time.  Often we desire to find something that is meaningful and personal.   Remember Me Gift Boutique desires to offer gifts that aid in the healing process and also serve as a beautiful memorial item.

One of our favorite recommendations is our Personalized Wind Chimes.  We offer many different options for personalization from adding a photo to displaying an Inspirational Bible Verse Quote.  The beautiful sound of these Personalized Wind Chimes will bring much comfort to those grieving.  With each gentle breeze, our loved one’s memory will come to mind.

Please visit our selection of Personalized Wind Chimes at Remember Me.  As always, if you are searching for a meaningful Memorial Gift Idea, please contact us directly.

Warmest Regards,


Creating a Memorial Garden with Kids for Pet Loss

As adults, the loss of a pet is extremely difficult.  What makes matter worse is watching our children grieve over this loss.  It’s often their first lesson in dealing with grief and the healing process.

Creating a memorial garden does not have to be complicated, at all.  It can be as simple as displaying a pet memorial stone in an area of your garden surrounded by seasonal flowers with a Memorial Tree.  Having your child help with the design of the memorial garden will help with the healing process.  Allow them to pick out the flowers and help plant them.  Let them know that this is their special area.


Creating a Memorial Garden Just in Time for Spring!

Just imagine creating a special place to remember and heal from the loss of a loved one.  A memorial garden is just the place to bring comfort to a grieving soul.  The garden can be as large or as small as you would like. Whether you are planting a memorial tree or a flowerbed filled with different flowers, the memorial garden is limited to your imagination, space restrictions and budget.

When selecting flowers for your memorial garden, consider selecting plants that have a specific meaning.  For example, forget-me-nots and rosemary both represent memories, and poppies are considered the flowers for rest or eternal sleep.  Perhaps the individual you are remembering had a favorite flower such as roses.  You can plant a rose bush in their honor.

A nice addition to any memorial garden is a memorial garden stone.  These stones can be as simple as the individual’s name and at rest date, or a stone that has a beautiful scripture passage or message.  If your garden is large enough, you might consider adding both types of memorial garden stones and bordering them with seasonal flowers.

The quite, soothing sound of wind chimes is another comforting element to add to your memorial garden. Personalized wind chimes can be designed with your loved one’s picture, your personal thoughts, or appropriate bible verses.  There are even wind chimes available that can hold a small portion of cremains.  The wind chime’s sound will be heard from any area of your backyard bringing remembrance and comfort even outside of the memorial garden.

Spring is in the air, and it is the perfect time to consider adding this memorial garden to your backyard landscape. What a beautiful long-lasting tribute to any loved one who has passed away.