
Posts Tagged ‘hope’

Hugs for Someone in Need on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day for most, but a very sad and lonely day for some.  Take a moment and think of the people you know, and chances are, someone’s Valentine’s Day is not worth celebrating.  Many hearts are recovering from broken relationships.  Some are grieving the loss of a loved one who shared in the celebration of this day just a year ago.  There are parents who routinely gave their child Valentine’s Day candy, only to wish they were here today to enjoy it.

This morning, I called my 91-year-old Grandmother.  Last night, she returned home after being in the hospital due to a “mini stroke”.  My Grandfather passed away many years ago, and I know this is a lonely day for her.  On top of that, she is not feeling well, and is completely alone.

Grandma just sounded weary, and I assumed it was due to her illness.  I instructed her to take it easy, and get some rest.  She said, “Yes, I know.  Everyone is telling me that.  But, all I want to do is go to the Singles Valentine’s Day party at my church tonight”.

My grandmother is such an inspiration to me.  Her husband passed away many years ago.  She has been struggling with illness this past year.  She still lives alone in her condo and drives to Walmart on a daily basis.  And, yes, she wanted to go “party” tonight.  In my opinion, her Valentine’s Day is NOT a day for celebration.

However, my Grandmother is celebrating.  She entered the hospital on Friday night in an ambulance, unresponsive to all her the medical attention, and the prognosis was not good.  Her entire church and family prayed consistently for her.  Miraculously, she is HOME for Valentine’s Day!

When I concluded my conversation with my grandmother, she was so thankful and felt incredibly blessed to be living today.  Her Valentine’s Day ended up being a cause for celebration.

I didn’t know that I needed it, but she sent me a “hug” today.  An incredibly special “Valentine’s Day Hug”.

RememberMeGiftBoutique.com wants to send out as many “Valentine’s Day Hugs” as possible.  Please take a moment to share in this desire and give someone a precious gift… your “hug” might really touch someone’s life today.

Please continue to follow RememberMeGiftBoutique.com/blog for daily inspiration.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Super Bowl Sunday – Inspirational Story of Giants’ Linebacker Mark Herzlich

The tweet that was heard around the world:

“2 yrs ago I was told I might never walk again.  Just WALKED off plane in Indy to play in the #SuperBowl.  #TakeThat****Cancer”.

As fans are eagerly awaiting the kickoff of the the Super Bowl match up between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots, cancer survivors everywhere are on the sidelines cheering for a totally different reason.

On May 14, 2009, Mark Herzlich was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma after finding a tumor in Mark’s left femur.  The prognosis… If the cancer gets in the blood stream, there was a 10% chance of survival.  If it doesn’t, 70%.  Against medical advice for fear of the cancer spreading, a 13″ titanium rod was put into his leg for support.  Mark decided that he was not only going to beat cancer, but he was going to play football again.

After months of chemo and weeks of radiation, on September 29, 2009, Mark was cancer free!   However, he was still battling his cancer, but in a different way.

A talented player at Boston College, Mark was projected to be a third or forth round pick in the NFL draft.  Unfortunately, Mark doesn’t go at all.  The fear… Cancer!  He wasn’t even able to be a free agent due to the lockout.

Fortunately, he found an amazing organization in the New York Giants!

Mark Herzlich broke his ankle in November but is healthy again for the Super Bowl.  Will Tom Coughlin have him dress for the big game tonight?  I don’t know at this point.  But, his impact has already been felt all around the world.

When asked about his tweet by the Hartford Courant,  “”I was very pleased so many people got to see it,” Herzlich said, “because that is part of what my goal and mission is. Obviously, this week is all about football, but there are people out there who are going through cancer right now who see that and say, ‘Hey, if he is doing it, I can do it.'”

Personally, I am a “Jersey Girl” who will be cheering for the Giants and enjoying the infamous Super Bowl commercials.  However, I will be cheering for #58 whether he’s on or off the field!

For more inspirational stories, please continue to follow RememberMe-Awareness.com.

Daily Inspiration – Quote by Winston Churchill

Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill

When I first reflected on this quote of the day, I immediately thought about my business aspirations and how this quote is so important to the business entrepreneur.  Whether it’s a failed business concept or a difficult learning curve, we’ve all faced this type of failure in our professional lives.

This is also highly relevant in our personal lives.  I’ve failed in relationships, haven’t always been the perfect mom, have made some pretty bad decisions, and have been known to throw away a few dinners after trying a new recipe.  My list is endless!

Failure to Failure

Yes, and I’ll admit… At times, some of these failures seemed overwhelming and I was tempted to give up.  Many times, I did.  It wasn’t until recently that I learned that failure is GOOD!  How else can we grow, both personally and professionally, without these failures and the precious lessons we learn from them?  Once I realized the value of failure, I became motivated to do something about it, other than fail.


Let’s face it, we don’t like failure.  If we allow it, failure has the power to steal our dreams and inspirations and will grab a hold of our motivation.  Failure is a state of mind and does not define us! What happens if we learn to embrace failure and be enthusiastic about it?  The answer is rather simple… Success!

Chances are, someone is reading this post and can’t see beyond their failure.  Please help by sharing your failure-to-success story with them!

Please continue to visit Remember Me for your Daily Inspiration.


Gift of Hope and Inspiration from Remember Me

I had a clear vision for my online business RememberMeGiftBoutique.com.  I had a strong desire to bring awareness to Suicide and Bullying Prevention, while providing Sympathy Gifts for those grieving.  During the past year, I have had the privilege of touching many people’s hearts who are dealing with tragic circumstances in their lives.  I am in constant appreciation for the relationships that I have established during this business venture.

There is an incredible common denominator in all aspects of my business.  It is quite simple… everyone is in need of hope!  The response to this “free gift of hope” has been overwhelming.  With such a need and desire, I am excited to add this mission of “hope” to RememberMeGiftBoutique.com.

It is my plan to focus on inspirational stories, inspirational quotes, and hope in dealing with grief.  I will continue to provide the inspirational pictures that seem to truly touch so many of my customers and friends.

I would love the privilege of sharing YOUR inspirational stories with others.  I have learned that we all go through things in our lives for a reason.  Perhaps, it’s simply to inspire others.  If you have an inspirational story to share, please contact me at contactus@remembermegiftboutique.com.


Gifts of Hope and Inspiration

A gift of hope is the most appreciated gift of all.  Unfortunately, many people are living with a hopeless feeling and do not reach out for the help they need.  We have to have enough insight to know when we can help and what we can do to give that gift of hope.

While we offer many gifts for hope and inspiration, sometimes a simple card can truly touch someone.  In speaking with many people who have lost loved ones, the biggest struggle they face is that life goes on and they are left feeling alone.  I encourage you to send a card, at least once every three months, to remind them that they have not been forgotten.

RememberMeGiftBoutique.com has added a section on Sympathy Messages.  Sometimes, we do not know what to say or how to convey our feelings.  It is our goal to help you find the right words to touch someone who is grieving.  We will also be adding poems, quotes and scriptural verses to this section.

When you want to say something meaningful, and you don’t know how to say it, I hope you will visit RememberMeGiftBoutique.com.


A New Year Full of Hope and Inspiration

There is something to be said about the way we feel when we turn the corner of a New Year.  All of those resolutions, hopes and dreams, and anticipated adventures fill us with a renewed spirit.  Personally, I have a “to do” list that will serve as a reminder of what I want to accomplish throughout 2012.

RememberMeGiftBoutique.com’s strongest desire is to continue to bring hope to those either grieving or in need of a little inspiration to get them through the tough times.  While our personal goals and dreams for the New Year might consist of eating better and exercising, there are those who simply would like to find just a bit of hope.  In our “give back” mission, we’d like to continue to bring awareness to the causes of Suicide and Bullying and wrap our arms around those experiencing the emotions of either cause.

I encourage other business owners to find a simple way to “give back”.  A friend of mine has a business, www.dressygirlkouture.com, where she will “give back” by donating prom dresses to those less fortunate. Another inspirational story concerns a friend who owns www.socutepooch.com.  She actually purchased her business after personal struggles and wanted to “give back” to children fighting cancer.

How do you plan on giving back this year?  Please share your stories which will hopefully inspire others to do the same.

I wish you a year full of hope and happiness.

How Can We Help Those Grieving this Holiday Season?

Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  We all know what that means!  Christmas will, once again, sneak up on us.  Unfortunately, so many of us wish we could just skip over this holiday season.  Why?

It is incredibly sad that many are dreading this holiday season due to the passing of a loved one.  As many of you, I have personally witnessed a number of families struggles through Christmas… holding back the tears while putting a smile on their face as to not affect everyone else’s Christmas holiday.  Through these experiences, this appears to be the biggest obstacle:

People do not know how to react or what to say:  Do we mention how we miss that person who has passed away?  How will that make those grieving feel?  Is it better just to ignore the topic in order to prevent sadness?

This is my personal opinion:  They are already deeply saddened.  There is nothing we can do or say that will make them feel any worse… well, maybe there is… avoiding the topic.  They want to feel as though their loved one’s memory is still very much a part of the holiday season.

As I mentioned, this is my personal opinion due to my unfortunate experiences.  I can very well be wrong.  Please share your feeling or thoughts on this difficult topic.  Perhaps we can make someone’s holiday season a bit less painful.