Urn Jewelry – Ashes Necklace Filling Instructions
When a loved one passes away, our lives change and we are faced with so many emotional changes. Not only are we dealing with these changes, we are faced with many decisions. While in the midst of the grieving process, some things should just be put aside, for now. In my opinion, that includes handling your loved one’s cremains.
The funeral parlor or facility where the ashes were picked up should be able to fill your urn pendant free of charge. (I’ve made some calls and have verified it). However, I do realize that this is not always an option and you may need to fill the urn pendant yourself (or maybe find someone not so emotionally attached to do it for you. If you decide to go that route, here are some basic instructions.
Again, I would like to emphasize that having someone assist you is the best plan. If you absolutely insist on doing this yourself, at least wait until you have healed a bit, and you are able to handle this emotional task.
How Death Lost Its Sting
Please read this before watching the video.
If you ever want to see a grown woman brought to her knees with tears overflowing, play this song on Easter Sunday! Listening to it as I’m writing this, the tears are trying to escape my eyes. What a beautiful and promising song.
April really packs a punch for me and my family. In April of different years, I lost two brothers – one young brother to suicide, and one brother (in-law) to a car accident. My pain was multiplied as I watched the mourning of parents and grandparents who never should have had to bury their young.
But in contrast, April bring us tulips and blooming Dogwoods, filled with such hope and promise for new beginnings. We joyfully watch young children frolic in the green grass in search of Easter eggs. We purchase brand new Easter dresses and place colorful bonnets on our child’s head. Then, there is the grand finale… Easter Sunday. But first, we must get through Good Friday.
That first Good Friday after my brother’s passing was one I’ll never forget. Death… Gloom… Sorrow… Pain… Mary’s tears… Jesus’ Crucifixion. With the fresh wounds of my recent loss (of my first brother), and again a few years later with my brother-in-law, the weight of Good Friday was too much to bare. My cross was too heavy to carry.
But, think about this… On Good Friday, almost two thousand years ago, Jesus carried that cross! To compare His burden to mine is far from my point and obviously would be extremely naive. He carried the world’s pain sorrow and on his back not even considering His own pain. How do I know this? He was God in the flesh and could have dropped that cross and showed His might at any point during his long journey to Golgatha.
I am not theologically trained nor feel the point of this post is to journey through the actual crucifixion day. If you want to read more about this, the following quote was taken from Faithward. Also, John 3:16 is a great reference as well.
“In the sacrifice of Jesus’ crucifixion we are shown the depths of God’s love for us and the lengths taken to save us from our sins….”
Again, I could never compare my burden to Jesus’, but Good Friday was a perfect parallel to my journey through pain and death. But, as I post on social media every year…
After my personal Good Friday journey, my hope was restored on Easter morning! Because I believe in Jesus, his death and resurrection, I can celebrate that death no longer has a hold on me. If we believe in Jesus, that he died for our sins to make us worthy of heaven, we will see our loved ones again. He could have dropped the cross and showed his might. But, instead, He endured the cross and He showed his LOVE. Therefore, death has lost its sting.
Now would be the perfect time to listen to the song above.
God Bless You!