
On Angel’s Wings

angel wingsWhat is behind the growing popularity of angel wings?  My customers just love any product that includes angels or angel wings, most specifically, our Memorial Jewelry.  Curiosity got the best of me, so I did a bit of research and would like to share my findings.

Angel Wings actually represent many different things to each individual, depending on their religious or spiritual beliefs.  Many people haven’t given it much thought, they just love the comfort that these angel wings represent. Basically, angel wings represent a variety of feelings not limited to love, hope, and protection.

Guardian Angels

Some believe that an Angel Wings represent their Guardian Angel.  These guardian angels can take on different forms depending on one’s belief.  A guardian angel can be assigned to protect and guide an individual.  Angel wings can also symbolize the way God covers and protects all the things he has created on earth.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. – Psalms 91:11

All God’s angels come to us disguised. ~James Russell Lowell

The guardian angels of life fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us. ~Jean Paul Richter

Deceased Loved One

To others, the angel wing represents the angels who came to earth to bring their loved one home to heaven.  This poem by Crailin Hardy about Angel’s Wings best represents what some believe when it comes to their loved one who has passed away:

On Angel’s Wings you were taken away,
But in my heart you will always stay.
I will hear your whisper in the tallest trees,
Feel your love in the gentle breeze.
And when I find I miss you the most,
Inside our beautiful memories
I will hold you close.
You are an angel watching over me
with the comfort and blessings you bring,
You embrace my heart and hold it close,
Forever on Angel’s Wings

– Crailin Hardy

 My Angel

Lastly, many people simply believe that their loved one that passed away is his/her own Angel in Heaven.  The angel wing represents this person now living in heaven among other angels.  Many wear this Memorial Jewelry in remembrance of their loved ones.

Angel Mom Memorial Necklace in Sterling Silver with card closeup DSC00987 DSC01014



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