Posts Tagged ‘gifts of hope and inspiration’
Valentine’s Day Grief – Avoiding Cupid’s Arrow
For many of us, Cupid’s Arrow is leaving a different kind of mark on our hearts this Valentine’s Day. Of all the holidays, Valentine’s Day can be the most difficult when dealing with the grief from the loss of a loved one.
This year we would like to reach out to those who are dealing with loss due to the passing of their life’s partner or, sometimes just as difficult, loss due to divorce. Most of us have felt the sting of Valentine’s Day at least once in our lifetime. We realize that there was nothing anyone could say or do; it was simply a very difficult day.
This year, let’s just send a “hug” to someone in need.
Please join us on our Facebook Page as we share hugs this Valentine’s Day. For every hug you send, the recipient’s name will be entered into a drawing to receive a free “Hugs” necklace courtesy of Remember Me.
Even if your facebook friend doesn’t win the above “Hugging Heart” inspirational necklace, she will have received the free gift of a “hug” which will mean the world to her. This year, let’s replace Cupid’s Arrow with just a simple “hug” to let them know you care.
Watch our facebook page more details.
Warmest Regards,
If you are looking for Inspirational Jewelry, Christian Jewelry, or Religious Jewelry please visit our website. We offer a variety of necklaces in all price ranges.
A Hugging Heart – Inspiration Necklace with A Message
If you’re like me, you take the time to search for the perfect gift… whether it is for Christmas, Birthdays, or Just Because. That is exactly why I love our collection of Inspirational Necklaces. Not only are they high quality sterling silver, but each comes with a message: either a poem, bible verse, or both!
The “Hugging Heart” Necklace is perfect for someone who simply needs a hug. I love the poem that is packaged together with this Inspirational Necklace:
The Hugging Heart™
Everyone needs a hug,
Sometimes even two.
So I’m giving you this heart.
It is special just for you.
Whenever you need some love,
Hold on to the heart and tug.
It’s just me reaching out to you
And sending you a hug.
©Deborah J. Birdoes
This is a wonderful gift idea that is not only stylish, but sentimental. Thank you Deborah J. Birdoes for your beautiful collection!
The Butterfly Principle Inspirational Necklaces
We will price match this necklace! On sale now for $75.00!
Find this in our Inspirational Necklaces section.
Our Regular Every Day Low Price: $94.00. ON SALE NOW $75.00
This necklace is simply beautiful and one of my favorite Inspirational Necklaces. What I love about these necklaces is most of them are packaged with a meaningful bible verse and/or inspirational message. This Inspirational Necklace features a Butterfly which represents the struggles that we all face; however, as a caterpillar, we must sometimes struggle inwardly to become the beautiful creature we were intended to be.
Usually, in the midst of our troubles, we are unable to see any future benefits. But when we look back on these circumstances, we might not truly understand why we went through the hardships, but hopefully we will be able to learn from them and grow.
All of us need inspiration at one point in our lives. That is why Remember Me is offering, and will be featuring, our Inspirational Necklaces with Bible Quotes and Inspirational Messages throughout the month of May.
Here are a few Memorial Gift Ideas featuring a butterfly now offered by Handmade By Remember Me on Etsy.
Wonderful Memorial Necklace featuring a butterfly. This necklace is completely made of sterling silver and comes with a beautiful message and gift box. Only $23.00.
This Memorial Necklace also features a butterfly and comes with a very affordable price of $13.00. The chain is stainless steel.
Memorial Jewelry brings Comfort
As many of you know, Remember Me Gift Boutique constantly strives to bring hope and healing to those grieving. We desire for our products, such as our Bereavement Jewelry, to impact those grieving in a way that can truly bring about a feeling of comfort.
I have heard from many who write to tell us how a piece of Remembrance Jewelry has really touched them. I just love it when a customer sends a comment such as this:
Good Morning Debbie,
I just wanted to let you know I received my necklace yesterday afternoon and I Love, Love, Love it!!!! Thank you so much for offering this type of jewelry. It makes me feel better just having it on…..will always miss her, but this sure helps. Thank you again.
Have a great day! Sue
How many companies have the privilege of helping those grieving? We are so fortunate and feel truly honored to help in any way we can.
Are You Stressed or Depressed this Holiday Season?
OK, take a deep breath and a moment to help yourself find a way to deal with the stress, and sometimes depression, that will hit you during the next few days. Our Christmastime mentality puts us in high gear to have the Norman Rockwell family get-togethers with all the trimmings!
We set ourselves up for disappointment with such expectations! Years ago, I read an article that touched on this subject. I can sum up what I learned from this article in one sentence: Instead of trying to realize all of your expectations, just look for that moment or two that you can carry in your heart for years to come. I actually have practiced this philosophy for many years. I have a memory full of these moments!
We tend to miss what we don’t have. Unfortunately, we all are missing someone on Christmas. Many of us yearn for the presence of that special person who has passed away. I know I do. Sometimes, it seems impossible to get past this feeling. But, you can try…
Our memories are the most priceless gift that we possess. Take a moment to open up this gift and allow the memories to bring you comfort. Talk about them… chances are, others will treasure them as much as you do.