
Beyond Sympathy Gifts: Helping Those Grieving

What is your initial thought when you learn that a family member or friend is dealing with the loss of a loved one?  Is it calling your local florist to send flowers?  Searching for the perfect Memorial Gift Ideas?  Do you struggle with what to say or do?

When my family was dealing with a traumatic death, the flowers, meals, and cards were generously flooding our home.  While we appreciated every gesture, there was one that stood out.  It wasn’t a monetary sympathy gift, a delicious meal, or a meaningful card.   It was simply an act of kindness… by a 16 year old high school student.

She appeared the day of my brother’s funeral.  We didn’t know her and had no idea of her connection with my brother.  She was just there.  People were gathering at our home prior to the funeral.  Meals were placed on the kitchen counter, half empty cups where scattered all over the house, and it was very chaotic, to say the least.  As we were leaving for the funeral, this young lady asked if she could stay behind to “clean up the mess”.  While we encouraged her to go to the funeral, she declined.

While we were mourning our loss, she was doing something different; something unexpected.  When we returned to our home, we were greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee.  All the casseroles were heated and placed, ever so beautifully, in our kitchen.  Every left behind cup was gone.  Each pillow was fluffed and placed warmly on our sofa.  The house was comforting and inviting.

The memory of this moment still stings my eyes.  As I look back on this day, I do not recall if she was told how much she was appreciated… if she truly understood the impact her act of compassion had our family.   Did her parents know what an amazing young lady they had raised?

How can we help those grieving?  Please share your stories to enlighten those who are searching for ways to help or words to say.

God Bless You!




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2 Responses to “Beyond Sympathy Gifts: Helping Those Grieving”

  • Glad:

    She was like an angel! What a nice gesture and story. I must admit, I am at a loss of what to say or do when someone passes on. I always mail a card and/or flowers but, that’s very standard. Thanks for sharing this and I look forward to seeing how other people respond here.

  • Kami:

    How touching! Indeed she was an angel like Glad says, I also find it hard to express myself in time of other’s grief but as you this young lady’s example we must remember that it’s not the monetary gifts that are always remembered but the simply acts of kindness that touch our hearts.
    So sorry for the loss of your brother Debbie, xo

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