Urn Jewelry – Ashes Necklace Filling Instructions
When a loved one passes away, our lives change and we are faced with so many emotional changes. Not only are we dealing with these changes, we are faced with many decisions. While in the midst of the grieving process, some things should just be put aside, for now. In my opinion, that includes handling your loved one’s cremains.
The funeral parlor or facility where the ashes were picked up should be able to fill your urn pendant free of charge. (I’ve made some calls and have verified it). However, I do realize that this is not always an option and you may need to fill the urn pendant yourself (or maybe find someone not so emotionally attached to do it for you. If you decide to go that route, here are some basic instructions.
Again, I would like to emphasize that having someone assist you is the best plan. If you absolutely insist on doing this yourself, at least wait until you have healed a bit, and you are able to handle this emotional task.
How Death Lost Its Sting
Please read this before watching the video.
If you ever want to see a grown woman brought to her knees with tears overflowing, play this song on Easter Sunday! Listening to it as I’m writing this, the tears are trying to escape my eyes. What a beautiful and promising song.
April really packs a punch for me and my family. In April of different years, I lost two brothers – one young brother to suicide, and one brother (in-law) to a car accident. My pain was multiplied as I watched the mourning of parents and grandparents who never should have had to bury their young.
But in contrast, April bring us tulips and blooming Dogwoods, filled with such hope and promise for new beginnings. We joyfully watch young children frolic in the green grass in search of Easter eggs. We purchase brand new Easter dresses and place colorful bonnets on our child’s head. Then, there is the grand finale… Easter Sunday. But first, we must get through Good Friday.
That first Good Friday after my brother’s passing was one I’ll never forget. Death… Gloom… Sorrow… Pain… Mary’s tears… Jesus’ Crucifixion. With the fresh wounds of my recent loss (of my first brother), and again a few years later with my brother-in-law, the weight of Good Friday was too much to bare. My cross was too heavy to carry.
But, think about this… On Good Friday, almost two thousand years ago, Jesus carried that cross! To compare His burden to mine is far from my point and obviously would be extremely naive. He carried the world’s pain sorrow and on his back not even considering His own pain. How do I know this? He was God in the flesh and could have dropped that cross and showed His might at any point during his long journey to Golgatha.
I am not theologically trained nor feel the point of this post is to journey through the actual crucifixion day. If you want to read more about this, the following quote was taken from Faithward. Also, John 3:16 is a great reference as well.
“In the sacrifice of Jesus’ crucifixion we are shown the depths of God’s love for us and the lengths taken to save us from our sins….”
Again, I could never compare my burden to Jesus’, but Good Friday was a perfect parallel to my journey through pain and death. But, as I post on social media every year…
After my personal Good Friday journey, my hope was restored on Easter morning! Because I believe in Jesus, his death and resurrection, I can celebrate that death no longer has a hold on me. If we believe in Jesus, that he died for our sins to make us worthy of heaven, we will see our loved ones again. He could have dropped the cross and showed his might. But, instead, He endured the cross and He showed his LOVE. Therefore, death has lost its sting.
Now would be the perfect time to listen to the song above.
God Bless You!
Introducing Handmade by Remember Me
It looks as though I’ve been away from Remember Me Gift Boutique’s blog for years! I feel as though I have neglected my baby, but I really haven’t – I just expanded to include a line of affordable, meaningful and some handmade (by me) remembrance jewelry, scripture jewelry (christian jewelry for women), cremation necklaces for ashes, and general memorial gift ideas. If I don’t have it, I can find it for you!
It is my desire to continue to offer personalized customer service. I still reply personally to all of my e-mails. When I can’t personally help my customers, my company has grown too big. I want to be known as an owner who cares and will do (almost) anything for her customers!
As far as the handmade remembrance jewelry, I sell on Etsy, Amazon Handmade (no longer as of 2020 due to my personal choice), and my newest website Handmade By Remember Me.
I have received over 1,400 5 -star reviews on these platforms. Last but not least, I try to stay active on my Facebook page in an effort to get to know my customers.
Here are a few links for your future gift giving needs:
Handmade By Remember Me on Etsy
New Handmade by Remember Me website.
… and, let’s not forget Facebook!
Warmest Regards,
Deb, Owner
New Christmas Memorial Ornaments for 2016
We just added some new Christmas Memorial Ornaments to our website. These are our exclusive designs designed with our customers in mind. We sold out of last year’s version rather quickly, so I encourage you to consider purchasing sooner rather than later. Remembering our loved ones during the holiday season often brings such comfort to so many of us who are grieving this Christmas. What I love about Christmas Memorial Ornaments is that they can be given year round. With our popular Memorial Ornaments stand, these ornaments can be displayed on a bedside table, coffee table, or anywhere to remember your loved one.
These beautiful Memorial Ornaments say “I have a Guardian Angel in Heaven and I call (him/her) Dad, Mom, Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter, Specific Name – the options are endless. The can be customized with any name or message and a date if you so desire.
The Christmas Memorial Ornament says it all. Simply stated, “In Our Hearts Forever”. This ornament can be customized with your loved one’s name as well as the birthdate and at rest date. Also shaped in a teardrop, this is simply beautiful!
If you would like another name, please contact us with your request. This is a ceramic ornament and is just beautiful. One of our favorite Memorial Christmas Ornaments.
We are hoping you will find peace this Christmas holiday season with fond memories of your loved ones.
Warmest Regards,
Deb Haget
Memorial Jewelry with a Message from Handmade by Remember Me
I am so pleased to announce my new line of Memorial Jewelry – Handmade by Remember Me. There are many reasons I decided to move forward with this line of meaningful jewelry which includes Memorial Necklaces, Memorial Adjustable Bangle Bracelets, and Cremation Jewelry. Most of these items are packaged with a personal jewelry card and a beautiful gift box offering the perfect Memorial Gifts.
Remember Me Gift Boutique was created in an effort to bring hope, healing and inspiration to those dealing with grief after the loss of a loved one. My desire was to offer Memorial Gifts through my website and in doing so, I received many requests, suggestions and compliments from my customers. Therefore, Handmade by Remember Me was created, and these gifts are touching so many lives. Here are few examples:
My friend received this necklace yesterday and immediately put it on. She said it made her feel closer to her beloved pet. Thanks for sending this to her for me.
I sent this to a friend who recently lost her mom very unexpectedly. She was so touched and kept remarking about how beautiful the bracelet was and how much it meant to her. Thank you so much for enabling me to send something so thoughtful!
Ordered this for a friend whose husband died. Can’t wait to give it to her.
Such a beautiful piece of jewelry for such a painful reason
Absolutely beautiful! I will definitely order from in the future. Pleasure to work with!
Perfect gift for my sister who just lost her doggie.
Beautiful and touching necklace. My recipient was very touch by the simplicity of it. She loved it. Thank you very much for the quick and easy transaction
Beautiful necklace and packaging!!!!
Super quick shipping! My friend who I bought this for loves it and wears it everyday!
Great bracelet, customized with a photo charm of my beloved dog. Beautiful! Thanks so much! 🙂
Exactly as expected, it is beautiful!
Love it. The saying on the attached card is perfect!
The gift was beautiful. The designer shipped immediately, and arrived today.
Deb was very helpful and accommodating! She went above and beyond to make a special request even better. Questions were answered right away and so was the order. Shipped in a very timely manner and arrived before expected date.
I bought this necklace for my best friend whose father recently passed away. Deb was very responsive when there was something strange going on with the shipment tracking. My friend loved the necklace and the card that came with it! It brought tears to her eyes, and I hope that she can continue to wear it as a memorial to her late father.
As you can see by the above reviews (which are 100% authentic as monitored on Etsy), these memorial gifts touch the lives of many. Also, I love the idea that I am able to converse directly with my customers offering personalized service and compassion that is so important to me.
Please take a moment to visit my Etsy shop at Handmade By Remember Me.
Deb Haget
On Angel’s Wings
What is behind the growing popularity of angel wings? My customers just love any product that includes angels or angel wings, most specifically, our Memorial Jewelry. Curiosity got the best of me, so I did a bit of research and would like to share my findings.
Angel Wings actually represent many different things to each individual, depending on their religious or spiritual beliefs. Many people haven’t given it much thought, they just love the comfort that these angel wings represent. Basically, angel wings represent a variety of feelings not limited to love, hope, and protection.
Guardian Angels
Some believe that an Angel Wings represent their Guardian Angel. These guardian angels can take on different forms depending on one’s belief. A guardian angel can be assigned to protect and guide an individual. Angel wings can also symbolize the way God covers and protects all the things he has created on earth.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. – Psalms 91:11
All God’s angels come to us disguised. ~James Russell Lowell
The guardian angels of life fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us. ~Jean Paul Richter
Deceased Loved One
To others, the angel wing represents the angels who came to earth to bring their loved one home to heaven. This poem by Crailin Hardy about Angel’s Wings best represents what some believe when it comes to their loved one who has passed away:
On Angel’s Wings you were taken away,
But in my heart you will always stay.
I will hear your whisper in the tallest trees,
Feel your love in the gentle breeze.
And when I find I miss you the most,
Inside our beautiful memories
I will hold you close.
You are an angel watching over me
with the comfort and blessings you bring,
You embrace my heart and hold it close,
Forever on Angel’s Wings
– Crailin Hardy
My Angel
Lastly, many people simply believe that their loved one that passed away is his/her own Angel in Heaven. The angel wing represents this person now living in heaven among other angels. Many wear this Memorial Jewelry in remembrance of their loved ones.

Keep Your Loved One Close to Heart
Those who have lost a loved one understand the grief and sadness that comes with this loss. More and more, people are turning to alternative methods of comfort, thus the growing popularity of Urn Jewelry. The Urn Necklaces hold the ashes of their loved ones and the bereaved are able to carry their loved one close to their heart. Finding such an important piece of jewelry should be thoroughly researched. For obvious reasons, quality of these ash holder pendants is imperative. Also, we recommend that you find a qualified jeweler or funeral director to store the ashes securely.
Remember Me Gift Boutique researches the quality of their products and the price associated with these products. For us, we believe that a Sterling Silver Urn Necklace offers quality at a relatively affordable price. Our most popular designer is Deborah J. Birdoes. Not only does her Urn Jewelry offer the quality one would expect, but it is also packaged with an inspirational poem or bible verse. Due to her popularity, there are many companies that are selling immatations. Basically, they are her designed manufactured without the quality one should require. Please be sure to make sure the product is authentic.
Even though our prices are lower than most other companies, we guarantee the authenticity of these Urn Necklaces. Below are a few of our favorite pieces by Deborah J. Birdoes. Not only are the Ash Holder Pendants beautiful, the message that comes with them is just as special.
For our beloved pets, we also offer the same quality in sterling silver. The loss of any pet is very difficult, and this type of pendant is a perfect place to keep you pet’s remains and always carry pet close to your heart.
Due to the popularity of the Urn Jewelry, please keep in mind that stock tends to run out rather quickly. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is a Ash Holder Pendant that you would like that is listed as out of stock. Sometimes it is back in stock but has not been updated on our website.
Still Thinking About Planting a Pet Memorial Garden this Summer?

Summer seems to be going by so fast. With Fall just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to plan your Pet Memorial Garden. I just love the idea of planning this garden together, with other members of the family, to aid in the healing process. It can be as small as a single Pet Memorial Garden Stone, or more elaborate, with flowers, trees, and perhaps even a Memorial Wind Chime.
Things to consider when creating your Pet Memorial Garden are:
Location: Obviously, that depends on the areas surrounding your house. Is there a tree in your yard? If so, that’s a beautiful place (as pictured above). Maybe just adding a Memorial Garden Stone to an existing garden would work out just fine. Or, if you want something more elaborate, find a larger area (preferably that you can see from your house) and plant a variety of plants and flowers.
Plants: Shade, sun and temperature are important to consider. Also, the time you would like to invest in the maintenance of this special garden should also be considered. Do you want to plant annuals every year, or are you looking for a more carefree design?
What kind of flowers/plants should you plant? If you would like to commemorate your pet’s birth date or date that your pet passed, here are a few ideas of flowers representing each month:
January – Carnation
February – Violet, Primrose
March – Daffodil, Violet
April – Daisy
May – Lily of the Valley
June – Rose
July – Larkspur, Water Lily, Sweet Pea
August – Gladiolus
September – Asper
October – Calendula, Dahlia
November – Chrysanthemum
December – Holly, Poinsettia
Pet Memorial Garden Stone: There are so many Memorial Garden Stone ideas and many available both locally on online. These stones can be personalized either with a plaque or by having it engraved. If you happen to have your pet’s cremains, a beautiful Urn Pet Memorial Garden Stone would be perfect. Another idea, many craft stores have kits that can help you create your very own Memorial Stone. This is most specifically a great idea for any child who is dealing with the loss of their pet.
Lastly, and most importantly, keep your pet’s personality in mind. This Pet Memorial Garden should reflect the memory of your precious pet.
Do you have a Memorial Garden you can share. Please feel free to post pictures!

Valentine’s Day Grief – Avoiding Cupid’s Arrow
For many of us, Cupid’s Arrow is leaving a different kind of mark on our hearts this Valentine’s Day. Of all the holidays, Valentine’s Day can be the most difficult when dealing with the grief from the loss of a loved one.
This year we would like to reach out to those who are dealing with loss due to the passing of their life’s partner or, sometimes just as difficult, loss due to divorce. Most of us have felt the sting of Valentine’s Day at least once in our lifetime. We realize that there was nothing anyone could say or do; it was simply a very difficult day.
This year, let’s just send a “hug” to someone in need.
Please join us on our Facebook Page as we share hugs this Valentine’s Day. For every hug you send, the recipient’s name will be entered into a drawing to receive a free “Hugs” necklace courtesy of Remember Me.
Even if your facebook friend doesn’t win the above “Hugging Heart” inspirational necklace, she will have received the free gift of a “hug” which will mean the world to her. This year, let’s replace Cupid’s Arrow with just a simple “hug” to let them know you care.
Watch our facebook page more details.
Warmest Regards,
If you are looking for Inspirational Jewelry, Christian Jewelry, or Religious Jewelry please visit our website. We offer a variety of necklaces in all price ranges.